it another sunny day in Beaconsfield .but there nobody around as it's school holidays . update on the mobile return is we should get it back on 16/4/10 . above are latest pictures of the new look mobile
the rain has gone away and guess what has come out to play lots and lots of flies it's great to work out doors . .but not to worry as it's a short week as Easter is 4 days away and 4 days off .hip hip hooray .
It had to happen out in the van and the rain comes working from the cab today . first day of school holidays . so the rain is keeping the children in doors which is not a bad thing today.still a few people are coming asking when the mobile will be back as it's pasted the 4 weeks they where told at the start but to be fair they are good about the wait !!!!!!!!
Peter and Robyn went to see how the mobile was going they where happy that it's looking good but yes the big but it now looking after Easter before we get it back .photo's where taken and i will put them on when i can .
Monday is different to Wednesday as we go to 3 sites which is good as it breaks the day up nicely. It's another hot day ,we start at Bunyip school but as they are waiting for the mobile to return .then on too Garfield and i finish at Tynong not alot to tell you today but you just dont know what could happen before the days out ha ha
As you may or not noticed i have added library to the blogs name as it is about the mobile library and just mobile could be anything . as you can see Wednesday again everybody keen to see me at the start but if it's like last week i should get a second wave of people about between 3 and 4.30 when i leave which is good as the day would drag if nobody came
sitting in the hot sun . people all arrive when i arrive but i am still here for 3 hours . It would so nice of them to spread out as it gets a little lonely when nobody comes to say hello . ha ha